The Corporation is a charitable non-profit corporation formed exclusively for the purpose of advancing, encouraging, and promoting the industrial, economic, commercial, and civic development of both the Village of Yellow Springs and Miami Township in Greene County, Ohio as permitted by Chapters 1702 and 1724 of the Ohio Revised Code. Download this PDF to learn how Yellow Springs is unique for business.
To review the most recent Form 990 – Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax for Yellow Springs Development Corporation, download the PDF here.
Board of Directors (voting members)
Lisa Abel, director
Community at Large
Will Foster, president
YS Chamber of Commerce
Trish Gustafson, director
Village of Yellow Springs
Brian Housh, vice president
Village of Yellow Springs
Joanne Lakomski, director
YS Community Foundation
Kevin McGruder, secretary
Antioch College
Marilan Moir, treasurer
Miami Township
Rebecca Potter, director
YS Exempted Village School District
Michael Slaughter, director
Community at Large
Steve Wirrig, director
Miami Township
Ex-officio (non-voting members)
Johnnie Burns, Village of Yellow Springs
Jeannamarie Cox, YS Community Foundation
Jane Fernandes, Antioch College
Terri Holden, YS Schools
Meg Leatherman, Executive Director
Aaron Arellano, Staff